Dr. Illia Gorokhovskyi, Coop Ukraine Chairman and Euro Coop First Vice-President, make an appeal to raise awareness about Ukrainian situation and to aks for support from colleagues and cooperative organisations.
On behalf of the Ukrainian cooperative community, I express gratitude for your support at this difficult time.
Due to the hostilities in Ukraine, the infrastructure is being destroyed, the enterprises are forced to suspend their work, the civilian population is being evacuated, and Ukraine’s consumer cooperation is suffering enormous losses.
The cooperators of Ukraine are grateful that the cooperative organizations of different countries offer their support and assistance at such a difficult time for us. We are in a situation where the support of an international cooperative family is needed more than ever. To date, we have not had the need, and therefore the experience, of receiving such international assistance, so we are now exploring all ways of effective interaction in this matter. We would be grateful if Euro Coop, for its part, would assume the function of coordinating this work in the European region.
We are currently establishing two centralized (national) funds to support consumer cooperation of Ukraine and will be happy to establish concerted action with the Single Assistance Center based on Euro Coop.
We are ready to discuss the directions of humanitarian aid that could be implemented, in particular, in terms of assistance to those citizens, members of consumer cooperatives who are in Ukraine, and those who were forced to leave it after February 24. In addition to traditional forms of assistance, maybe we could set out the following formats as:
– special grants for teachers, researchers, students of educational institutions of COOP Ukraine;
– assistance in finding job in the countries of temporary stay and re-profiling;
– assistance in participation in educational and creative residencies;
-creation of bases for collaboration and relocation of those specialists and cooperative enterprises that are forced to leave hot spots;
– perhaps consumer cooperation in those countries that are not yet overloaded with temporarily displaced people from Ukraine could contribute to additional shelter for women, children and elderly people who are the family members of COOP Ukraine employees, etc.
We would be grateful for any ideas and any assistance!
As for our work in Ukraine, in this situation our companies have reformatted the work for the needs of the defenders of Ukraine and the civilian population, and we work at full capacity where possible. We have some disruptions of raw materials, logistics and other problems caused by the war, but we are determined to overcome everything and build a peaceful, happy Ukraine.
Der ZdK (Zentralverband der Konsumgenossenschaften) ist als Mitglied im europäischen Dachverband euro coop mit dem Verband der Konsumgenossenschaften in der Ukraine verbunden. „Unsere Kollegen haben nun ein internationales Währungskonto eröffnet, um direkt wohltätige Hilfe von ausländischen Kollegen und Genossenschaftsorganisationen zu erhalten. Der Erlös wird für die Wiederherstellung der Infrastruktur von Einrichtungen verwendet, die von den Feindseligkeiten der Russischen Föderation betroffen sind, und um eine humanitäre Katastrophe in der Genossenschaftsgemeinschaft der Ukraine zu verhindern.“
Die Einzelheiten der finanziellen Unterstützung:
Firmenname: Ukrainian Central Union of Consumer Societies
Anschrift des Unternehmens: UA 01601, Kiew, Chreschtschatyk Straße, 7/11
IBAN: UA423052990000026002016718688
SWIFT-Code der Bank: PBANUA2X